Special Partner Price $895 + GST (Save $700 off List Price Tickets)

Social Impact Summit

Together for Good: Accelerating a fair, just and inclusive Australian society

July 2nd and 3rd, UTS Sydney

Social Impact Summit brings together leaders from the social, corporate and government sectors under one vision: to create a fair, just and inclusive Australian society.

Our 2024 event is designed to move you from insight to action. We’ll provide the knowledge, tools and partnership opportunities you need to carry the impact movement forward.

Are you ready to put to the ‘S’ in ESG?

As a valued member of a Social Impact Summit Partner you are entitled to a special offer that will save you $100 off Early Bird Ticket Price and $700 off List Price Tickets.

NOTE: You must enter the Promo Code to obtain the special price.

If you are unable to pay for your ticket with a credit card, please use this form and an invoice will be sent to you. All invoices are pay on receipt.

2024 Speakers

"The dialogues, encouragement, and collegiality of Summit help change feel possible."
Dr. Katherine Trebeck, Economic Strategy Advisor
Wellbeing Economy
"Social Impact Summit is a brilliant convening of humans who care about creating positive social impact."
Pete Horsley, Founder
"Flourishing communities don't happen by chance."
Emma Watton, NED
Town Teams Movement
"This is the one event that brings together the diverse stakeholders needed to make progress."
Anna Bowden, Head of Social Impact
Royal Far West